Godišnji izveštaj za 2023. godinu

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Naš godišnji izveštaj za 2023. godinu je tu! Iako smo već zagazili u treći mesec 2024. godine, želeli smo da se malo detaljnije osvrnemo na sve što smo radili i uradili, aktivnosti koje smo spovodili kao i sve na čemu…

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20 Septembra, 2023

Tribina Mentalno zdravlje u Srbiji

Radujemo se da vas pozovemo na prvi događaj u okviru PIN dana mentalnog zdravlja! Javna tribina “Mentalno zdravlje u Srbiji” biće održana u sredu, 27. septembra od 17 do 19 časova, u glavnom holu Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu. Tribinom ćemo…

15 Septembra, 2023

Trening “Zajedno smo jači” za decu i mlade iz Srbije i Ukrajine

PIN uz podršku UNICEF Srbija, u okviru projekta ,,Razvijanje otpornosti mladih izbeglica kroz pružanje sveobuhvatne zaštite mentalnog zdravlja” organizuje dvodnevni trening “Zajedno smo jači” u Beogradu, Novom Sadu i Vranju. Cilj treninga je poboljšanje emocionalnog blagostanja kroz učenje o različitim…

14 Septembra, 2023

PIN dani mentalnog zdravlja

Radujemo se da najavimo i pozovemo vas na ovogodišnje PIN dane mentalnog zdravlja, koji se održavaju u sklopu III Beogradskog festivala mentalnog zdravlja u organizaciji Pokret za mentalno zdravlje. Ove godine, PIN dani održavaju se pod sloganom „Nauka i struka…

29 Augusta, 2023

Mentalno zdravlje i socijalna zaštita

Briga o mentalno zdravlju je pitanje na koje odgovor može biti jedino multisektorski. Nekoliko sistema u Srbiji ima potencijal da podrži unapređenje i zaštitu prava na mentalno zdravlje, među kojima se nalazi i sistem socijalne zaštite. Tako, u okviru sistema…

11 Augusta, 2023

Saopštenje povodom Nacrta izmena Zakona o zaštiti lica sa mentalnim smetnjama

Grupa organizacija civilnog društva skreće pažnju javnosti na to da je u sredu, 9. avgusta, završena javna rasprava o Nacrtu zakona o dopunama Zakona o zaštiti lica sa mentalnim smetnjama koji je pripremilo Ministarstvo zdravlja Republike Srbije, a kojim se…

9 Augusta, 2023

Mentalno zdravlje u Srbiji

Podaci iz istraživanja* na reprezentativnom uzorku (n=1000) koje je PIN sproveo tokom 2022. godine pokazuju da je jedna četvrtina građana Srbije tokom života imala potrebu za stručnom podrškom zbog psihičkih tegoba. Štaviše, trenutno se oko jedne trećine stanovnika Srbije može…

24 Jula, 2023

Mentalno zdravlje u zajednici

Svakome od nas je nekada potrebna podrška, u svakodnevnom životu ili kada prolazimo kroz teške trenutke. Međutim, podrška se često čini dalekom, nepristupačnom i teško dostupnom. Upravo se princip brige o mentalnom zdravlju u zajednici odnosi na sistem nege u…

4 Jula, 2023

Svako od nas ima pravo na zaštitu mentalnog zdravlja

Da li ste znali da je pravo na mentalno zdravlje jedno od prava na čiju zaštitu je Srbiji ukazala i međunarodna zajednica? Naime, tokom maja meseca, u okviru četvrtog ciklusa UPR sesija, Srbija je od nekoliko zemalja dobila preporuke usmerene…

9 Juna, 2023

Svako od nas treba da zna šta je (pravo na) mentalno zdravlje

Svako ima pravo na mentalno zdravlje – ali, na šta se to pravo odnosi? .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . Mentalno zdravlje uključuje naše emocionalno, psihološko i socijalno blagostanje – ono je osnovno ljudsko pravo. Ovo znači da…

26 Maja, 2023

Svako od nas ima pravo na mentalno zdravlje

Kada imamo problem sa mentalnim zdravljem, najčešće bi nam značilo da nam je podrška na dohvat ruke. Bez razmišljanja o tome koga da pitamo za preporuku i kome da verujemo. Bez brige oko toga da li tu pomoć možemo da…

15 Maja, 2023

Psihološke smernice za medijsko izveštavanje nakon kriznih događaja

,,Način na koji mediji izveštavaju o kriznoj situaciji oblikuje osećanja i ponašanja javnosti neposredno nakon, ali i duže nakon događaja. Senzacionalistički naslovi i tekstovi, preuranjeno i neutemeljeno iznošenje uzroka, kao i previše detalja o događaju mogu u javnosti izazvati nemir…

5 Maja, 2023

Smernice za zaposlene u obrazovno-vaspitnim ustanovama: Kako pristupiti učenicima u kriznim situacijama?

U saradnji sa Odeljenjem za psihologiju Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu sastavili smo opšte preporuke za zaposlene u obrazovno-vaspitnim ustanovama o tome kako razgovarati sa decom i mladima u situaciji krize i visoko traumatičnim situacijama, kao i smernice o tome kako…

The psychological profile of a pandemic is a research we have conducted since the beginning of the epidemic in Serbia, and we have published some findings in our blogs. The full report on this research is now ready to read and available on our website – the idea behind our work, even in this case, is that scientific findings should be explained and available to everyone so that we can all better understand what happened
As we already did earlier, we once again asked you how afraid were you, how concerned and how much you spent thinking about coronavirus, did it seem to you that infection could be contained and how serious the infection was, what you did to protect yourselves and the others, but also what sources of information did you trust and where did the information you trust came from. Did anything change during the two months that
Although we were all in the same epidemic boat and the main psychological supports, such as feeling of control and safety of all of us were tested, the supports were not the same for all people. Therefore, this two-and-a-half-month pandemic state of emergency experience was not the same for all. Our elderly citizens were prohibited from leaving the house for month and a half, and times when they were allowed to go outside were very
The virus is not gone, but the state of emergency is, along with many other “measures” that were considered necessary until this Thursday. Curfew disappeared as if it was taken away by a hand “washed for 20-seconds with soap and hot water”. For example, public transportation in Belgrade not only restarted, but it operates as if coronavirus epidemic never happened. However, the epidemic is still here, in force, but the measures aren’t. And when you
The stopping of the epidemic depends on many factors, but every aspect of the strategy against coronavirus is based on reducing the physical contact between people in order to prevent or slow down transmission of the virus. Reduced contact, regardless whether it is the result of an order, someone begging for it, a public plea or imposed measures, requires the people to change their behaviour. In order to be efficient, such behavioural change must be
Until two months ago we did not pay much attention to coronavirus. When we heard about the first case of this disease, we had only a few days to get scared, then calm down, buy everything we needed, but being careful to leave enough for the others, learn how to behave and how to care for the loved ones, without putting them into danger. Along the way, without even wanting to do so, we learned
When the first case of coronavirus infection was confirmed in our country, the entire society, as well as all aspects of our lives, all of sudden had to adapt to the new circumstances. During these early days there were so many things we had to master and learn, we had to organize and inform ourselves and at the same time take care of ourselves and people that depended on us. But in order to do
Researchers from the Department of Psychology and the Laboratory for Experimental Psychology, in cooperation with PIN, have been monitoring the psychological aspects of the pandemic in Serbia since the beginning of March. Every day we ask people from all over Serbia what they think, which days and events were especially difficult, how they feel, where they get informed, what they do, what they buy, what they care about and whether they remember how they felt