PIN (2020). Youth for change Building the resilience of Serbian youth through engagement, leadership and development of cognitive and social-emotional skills_Psychoeducational workshop program_2019

PIN (2020). Youth for change Building the resilience of Serbian youth through engagement, leadership and development of cognitive and social-emotional skills_Baseline study report 2019


Vukčević Marković, M., Živanović, M., & Bjekić, J. (2019). Post-Migration Living Difficulties and Mental Health in Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Serbia. Politische Psychologie · Journal of Political Psychology, 1, 32-45. ISSN 2193-3243

Purić, D., & Vukčević Marković, M. (2019). Development and Validation of the Stressful Experiences in Transit Questionnaire (SET-Q) and its Short Form (SET-SF). European Journal of Psychotraumatology.10(1).1-11. doi: 10.1080/20008198.2019.1611091

PIN (2019). Psychological wellbeing of refugees and asylum seekers in Serbia: Research report 2019

PIN (2019). Towards the improvement of protection of mental health of refugees in Serbia

PIN (2019). The Study on Prevalence of Burnout and Secondary Traumatization in Service Providers Working With Refugees in Serbia: Research report

Vukčević Marković M., & Živanović, M. (2019). Secondary Traumatization in Service Providers working with Refugees. In A. Hamburger, C. Hancheva, S. Ozcurumez, C. Scher, B. Stanković, & S. Tutnjević (Eds.), Forced Migration and Social Trauma (pp. 511–38). London and New York: Routledge 2019. ISBN 978-0-429-43241-5

Vukčević Marković, M., & Bjekić, J. (2019). Methods and ethics in refugee research. In A. Hamburger, C. Hancheva, S. Ozcurumez, C. Scher, B. Stanković, & S. Tutnjević (Eds.), Forced Migration and Social Trauma (pp. 288–310). London and New York: Routledge 2019. ISBN 978-0-429-43241-5

Gutić, T., Božović, D., & Vukčević Marković, M.J. (2019). Common difficulties and the need for psychological support among persons with diabetes: preliminary results. In K. Damnjanović (Ed.), XXV Scientific conference „Empirical studies in psychology“ (pp. 24-25). Belgrade, Serbia: Laboratory of experimental psychology & Institute of psychology.

Gutić, T., Vukčević Marković, M., Živanović, M., & Bjekić, J. (2019). Screening of mental health of refugees in Serbia. In XXX (Ed.), International scientific conference 24th Ramiro and Zoran Bujas days (p. X). Zagreb, Croatia: Department of psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences & Croatian Psychological Association.

Vukčević Marković, M., Stojadinović, I., & Bjekić, J. (2019). Psychometric properties and factor structure of Refugee Health Screener (RHS-13). In K. Damnjanović (Ed.), XXV Scientific conference „Empirical studies in psychology“ (pp. 25-26). Belgrade, Serbia: Laboratory of experimental psychology & Institute of psychology.

Vukčević Marković, M., & Živanović, M. (2019). Coping with secondary trauma in professionals working with refugees. In K. Damnjanović (Ed.), XXV Scientific conference „Empirical studies in psychology“ (pp. 12). Belgrade, Serbia: Laboratory of experimental psychology & Institute of psychology.


PIN (2018). Multisectorial Approach in Protection of Refugees’ Mental Health and Wellbeing

Vukčević Marković, M., Radmanović, U., Todorović, A. (2018). Reaction to Social Trauma of Refugees in the Mental Health System in Serbia – Challenges and Barriers. European Federation for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (EFPP). Belgrade, Serbia: European association for psychotherapy.

PIN (2018). Psychological Wellbeing of Refugees in Serbia- Research Report 2018

Vukčević Marković, M., Radmanović, U. & Živanović, M. (2018). Vicarious traumatization: Risk factors and importance of prevention and early detection. 23rd Congress of the European Association for Psychotherapy. October, Belgrade, Serbia: European association for psychotherapy.


PIN (2017). Refugees’ Mental Health – Research Report 2017.

PIN (2017). Challenges and Potentials of Refugee Children 2017 – Data Overview.

Vukčević Marković, M., Živanović, M., Đukić, D. (2017). Faktori rizika za sekundarnu traumatizaciju kod ljudi koji rade sa izbeglicama. Naučni skup Empirijska istraživanja u psihologiji (str. 21-22). Beograd, Srbija: Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu.

Randi, B., Schjodt, H., Stojadinović, I. (2017). Benchmarking psychology and prevention in EFPA member association countries. XV European Congress of Psychology 11-14. July, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Vukčević, M., Momirović, J., Purić, D. (2017). The relation between traumatic experiences and psychological vulnerability. X international conference of International Society for Health and Human Rights “Mental health, mass people displacement and ethnic minorities”, 24-27. September, Novi Sad, Serbia

Vukčević M., , Đukić D., & Živanović, M. (2017). Secondary traumatization in people working with refugees in Serbia: preliminary results. X international conference of International Society for Health and Human Rights “Mental health, mass people displacement and ethnic minorities”, 24-27. September, Novi Sad, Serbia

Ilić, I., Stojadinović, I., Todorović, A., Vukčević Marković, M., Bjekić, J. Psychological challenges faced by refugee minors in Serbia. XIV Conference Days of applied psychology, pp 86-87, Nis, Serbia

Bjekić, J., Gašić, J., Stojadinović, I. i Didić, T. (2017) Dominantne psihološke tegobe i rezilijentnost izbeglica. Saopštenje na VII kongresu psihoterapeuta Srbije, Beograd, Srbija

Todorović, A. i Božović, D. (2017). Psihološka podrška izbeglicama u Srbiji . Saopštenje na VII kongresu psihoterapeuta Srbije, Beograd, Srbija

Radmanović, U. i Ilić, I. (2017). Deca i adolescenti u izbeglištvu. Saopštenje na VII kongresu psihoterapeuta Srbije, Beograd, Srbija

Stanković I. i Gutić, T. (2017, Oktobar). Rad sa prevodiocima u psihoterapijskom setingu. Saopštenje na VII kongresu psihoterapeuta Srbije, Beograd, Srbija

Živanović, M. i Vukčević Marković, M. (2017). Mentalno zdravlje pomagača – značaj prevencije u radu sa traumom. Saopštenje na VII kongresu psihoterapeuta Srbije, Beograd, Srbija

Vukčević Marković, M., i Radmanović, U. (2017). Psihološka podrška pomagačima. Saopštenje na VII kongresu psihoterapeuta Srbije, Beograd, Srbija

Vukčević Marković, M., Gutić, T., Božović, D., & Bjekić, J. (2017) Psychological screening of refugees. Current trends in psychology pp 88, Novi Sad, Serbia


Vukčević, M., Momirović, J., & Purić, D. (2016). Adaptation of Harvard Trauma Questionnaire for working with refugees and asylum seekers in Serbia. Psihologija, 49(3), 277–299. doi: 10.2298/PSI1603277V

Vukčević, M., Momirović, J. & Purić, D. (2016). Refugees in Serbia: on the way to a better life. Forced Migration Review, 51, 51-52.

Simić, N., Vukčević, M., Gašić, J. (2016). Obrazovanje dece izbeglica – izazovi i rešenja. Međunarodna naučna konferencija “Savremene migracije i društveni razvoj: interdisciplinarna perspektiva”, Beograd, Srbija: Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu.

Simić, N., Bjekić J., Radmanović, U., Ilić, I. (2016). Psihološke potrebe i dobrobit dece izbeglica u Srbiji. Međunarodna naučna konferencija “Savremene migracije i društveni razvoj: interdisciplinarna perspektiva” Beograd, Srbija:Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu.

Vukčević, M., Momirović, J., Purić, D. (2016). Povezanost između traumatskog iskustva u tranzitu i psihološke vulnerabilnosti. Međunarodna naučna konferencija “Savremene migracije i društveni razvoj: interdisciplinarna perspektiva”. Beograd, Srbija: Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu.

Vukčević, M., Đukić, D., Živanović, M. (2016). Sekundarna traumatizacija kod ljudi koji rade sa izbeglicama u Srbiji: preliminarni rezultati. Međunarodna naučna konferencija “Savremene migracije i društveni razvoj: interdisciplinarna perspektiva”. Beograd, Srbija: Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu.

Vukčević, M., Živanović, M., Đukić, D. (2016). Doživljaj bespomoćnosti u radu s izbeglicama. VI kongres psihoterapeuta – Psihoterapija i društvo. Beograd, Srbija