On the occasion of the World Mental Health, we organized a round table and discussed what was done over the last five years regarding improvement of protection of refugees’ mental health.
We presented work of the Mental health Working group, achieved results and future plans, as well as the results of this year’s study on refugees’ mental health.
We would like to thank all of our colleagues, for contributing to our round table, but even more for the great cooperation and support over the last five years of PIN’s work, and joint efforts put in to improve refugees’ mental health. We are looking forward to continuing our joint work!
We would like to thank UNHCR Serbia for supporting PIN in provision of direct assistance to refugees as well as continuous research which enables evidence-based practice and tracking trends in refugee’s mental health.
We would also like to thank OSF and WHO for supporting the work of the Mental health Working Group.
Комесеријат за избеглице и миграције Републике Србије, Ministarstvo za rad, Zapošljavanje, Boračka i Socijalna Pitanja, Ministarstvo Zdravlja, Institut za javno zdravlje Srbije, Institut Za Mentalno Zdravlje, Gradski Centar Za Socijalni Rad U Beogradu, UNHCR Serbia, Svetska Zdravstvena Organizacija, Open Society Foundation Serbia / Fondacija za otvoreno društvo Srbija, IOM Serbia, Danish Refugee Council, Indigo, Grupa 484, UNICEF Srbija, Caritas Srbije, Jesuit Refugee Service Serbia, Beogradski centar za ljudska prava|BCHR, A11 – Inicijativa za ekonomska i socijalna prava, Save the Children in North West Balkans, IDEAS, Crveni krst Srbije / Red Cross of Serbia, Info Park, NVO Atina, Centar za zaštitu žrtava trgovine ljudima, Refugee Aid Serbia, The Workshop: Belgrade, Institut za psihologiju, Oxfam in South East Europe, UNFPA Serbia